It's clobbering time - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Nov 22, 2015 · It means "it is time (for me) to clobber (things)". As mkennedy says, this is a reference to the comic book character The Thing. The connotation is that "clobbering time" happens often or habitually, like "breakfast time" or "nap time", because the character is a violent person who enjoys clobbering things.
What's the difference between "at its time" or "of its time"?
It was far more popular than other similar books published in its time. It was the most controversial book of its time. It was published in 1921 and was not an expensive book at the time, but owing to the small number of copies produced, and its subsequent …
it's well past time - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Apr 7, 2016 · Everything up to this point has been necessary groundwork. I’ve explained conceptually what computers do and have given you the tools to understand the slightly alien numbers that they use; but I’ve said nothing so far about what computers actually are, and it’s well past time. We will return to hexadecimal numbers repeatedly in this book ...
meaning - Difference between "in time" and "over time" - English ...
Jul 22, 2019 · “In time, you will learn to appreciate the benefits of hard work.” “In time, you will come to understand why we made that decision.” So, "in time" and "over time" seem to be synonyms. Then I have checked COCA. "In time came to" gets 3 hits. a town that in time came to include seven churches, an equal number of saloons
phrase usage - Is it ok to say "good morning" at anytime?
Mar 1, 2013 · When we have Good afternoon, good evening and hi, hello kind of greetings then why say Good morning even if we see the person first time in the day. Its okay for fun to tease a friend but I dont think otherwise in social and official circumstances –
Choices: It's or It's been? When to use which?
It’s a long time since . In British English, present and past tenses are common in the structure It is/ was since It’s a long time since the last meeting. It was ages since that wonderful holiday. American English prefers perfect tenses in this structure. It’s been a long time since the last meeting. It had been ages since that wonderful ...
sentence construction - "Please return the equipment to its …
Please return the equipment to its original place after being used. Please return the equipment to its original place after use. It would sound slightly better (to my ears, at least) to say: Please return the equipment to its original place when you no longer need it. or. Please return the equipment to its original place when it is no longer ...
"It's done." or "It's been done." - English Language Learners Stack ...
Jan 14, 2020 · Here time reference is not required. Example: Manager asks - Did you complete the report? You - Yes, It has been done. Both are correct. Coming to your case. If you have just finished your work, you can say: Okay! It's done. If it's been some time, you can go with: It's been done. Hope it helps.
grammar - "on its way" vs. "in its way" - English Language Learners ...
Feb 27, 2019 · This could make sense within context of a longer sentence or paragraph: "They had hoped some crops would survive as the inferno progressed from the barn to the farmhouse, but the fire consumed everything on its way" - however, the important qualifier here is that we know the destination, even if it is not explicitly stated a second time: "the fire consumed …
clobber in "you may clobber a global variable without knowing
I read clobber in a sentence in book "Fluent Python" you may clobber a global variable without knowing. the complete context This is not a bug, but a design choice: Python does not require