Garden Train Store, the Buyer's Guide for Beginning Garden …
Families all over the world have begun outdoor railroads, and the hobby is growing rapidly. Since 1998 our "parent" site, Family Garden Trains(tm), has been helping people start their own outdoor railroads by providing the information that beginning and intermediate garden railroaders are most likely to need. We have also answered over a ...
Garden Railroading NEWS (GR NEWS) A FREE Bi-Monthly Digital magazine produced by Garden Railroaders for Garden Railroaders
Starting Your Own Garden Railroad - Trains
Dec 12, 2024 · Learn essential tips for starting your own garden railroad, with helpful links for beginners looking to get started in the hobby! Garden railroading is a popular subsection of the model railroading hobby, and for good reason.
Garden railway - Wikipedia
A garden railway or garden railroad is a model railway system set up outdoors in a garden. G Scale is the most popular scale for garden railroads, though 16 mm scale also has a following, especially in the United Kingdom.
Garden railways: a brief overview | Garden Railways Magazine - Trains
Feb 20, 2023 · An overview of garden railroading: Garden railroading is the art of combining a model railroad and a beautiful garden to create a railway-like atmosphere. The difference between a traditional indoor layout and a garden railway is the difference between realism and reality.
Garden Railways - Trains
Learn about prototype railroad yards, how they function, and build them for your layout.
Introduction to Garden Railways - Garden Trains Annual
It’s easy to start your first garden railway, combining rugged model trains and beautiful landscaping in your own backyard. Miniature railroads appeared almost immediately after the full-size ones did in the 1840s, and gardens have been popular since that original one called Eden.
Garden Railroading Primer Articles - Family Garden Trains
Garden Railroad Construction Articles - A new index to available resources. The articles in this section start easy, small, and temporary, and work toward more permanent and more elaborate.
Family Garden Trains TM - Your First Stop for Garden Railroading …
Garden Trains are big, weather-resistant model trains that you can run outside. Once you install the track, you leave it out all year 'round, (though most people bring the trains in overnight). You can surround your railroad with real ponds and plants that not only make your trains look "at home," but beautify your yard all year long as well.
Building a Garden Railroad on a Budget - Family Garden Trains
Never fear, many hundreds of garden railroading families have built enjoyable, charming, and even notable garden railroads without going bankrupt. The following information will help you build your garden railroad on a budget, too.