Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 - DiEM25
Jan 8, 2025 · Europe is ruled by oligarchs. They own the apartments we live in, the banks that keep our money, the drugs that save our lives, the apps we need to work, the data these apps collect about us, the oil and gas that heat up our planet, and …
2025 - DiEM25
EVENT: The people vs the 1%. 30.01.2025. Join us this Saturday at Ru Paré, from 12:00 to 14:00, for a critical discussion on organising for change
About - DiEM25
Our Policies. DiEM25 has eight Pillars on which it builds its road to a truly democratic Europe: Transparency, Technology, Economy, Environment, Refugees and Migrants, Culture, Post-capitalism, and a European Constitutional Process.These policies are developed through a unique cooperation between the movement’s membership, the intellectual expertise attracted by our project, and the general ...
Overview | DiEM25 Manual
Below you'll find a full alphabetical list of topics. If that feels overwhelming, check out the topics for new members, basic topics or advanced topics, topics for Local Collective Coordinators, topics for National Coordination team members and topics for the tech team.
The Organisation - DiEM25
The Organisation. DiEM25 is a transnational movement with a simple yet radical goal: to democratise Europe! The basis of DiEM25 is the manifesto, the Organising Principles and the Progressive Agenda (policies on a variety of topics).. The Organising Principles specify how to make any addition or modification to these – it always involves an all-member vote, cannot be unilaterally decided by ...
DiEM25 Manifesto - DiEM25
Realism demands that we work toward reaching milestones within a realistic timeframe. This is why DiEM25 will aim for four breakthroughs at regular intervals in order to bring about a fully democratic, functional Europe by 2025.. Now, today, Europeans are feeling let down by EU institutions everywhere.
2024 - DiEM25
Is 2025 Europe’s last chance? Reflections on the year ahead. 23.12.2024. Yanis and Srećko explored these turbulent times and examined whether 2025 could be a final opportunity for Europe to reclaim relevance, ...
Online groups - DiEM25
Subtopic Group Email; Deliberative Democracy Collective is focused on making democracy visible! This group tackles our political vision as outlined in the DiEM25 Manifesto: "To empower the people of Europe we envisage new layers of deliberative democracy (e.g. democratic deliberation councils comprising randomly selected residents) between the voters and elected representatives (e.g ...
DiEM25 mobilises full house in Amsterdam to build political power
4 days ago · On Saturday, 1 February, in Amsterdam, DiEM25 brought together key voices in the fight for peace, dignity, and freedom: Yanis Varoufakis, Jeremy Corbyn, Brid Brennan, and Lucille Cordelius. In just two and a half days, DiEM25 mobilised an electrifying gathering, uniting progressive voices from ...
Homepage - DiEM Voice
DiEM Voice is the arts and culture platform of DiEM25 (Democracy in Europe Movement). It is through arts and culture that DiEM Voice promotes DiEM25’s radical proposals for social justice, transparency, a green transition to a new economic model, and the conviction that transnational action is the only arena to effect change.