SEVERANCE Season 2 Episode 2 Recap

Credit: Apple TV+ Warning! Spoilers for the first two episodes of Severance Season 2 are ahead! If you aren't caught up, ...
Fair warning: there are spoilers ahead! Severance Season 2 is just getting started, but one of the most explosive fan ...
Essentially, Jame Eagan is calling his daughter a smelly child in wake of her jaw-dropping gala scandal. OUCH.
Severance has aired the second instalment of season two, and it's been hailed as one of the show's best-ever episodes.
With every episode that’s come out thus far — 11 in total, with hopefully millions more on the way, I say non-hyperbolically ...
Maybe I’m in the minority here, but there is something special about a weekly release of a TV show that just hits differently ...