With that kind of legacy to his name, it would be easy for the casual, non-comics savvy individual to assume that Martian Manhunter is among DC’s most popular superheroes. Yet, even among nerds, ...
Batman has gone through a number of looks over the course of nearly 90 years. We break down his 10 best Batsuits from the ...
Writer Scott Snyder says that before the year is over, the DC Comics Absolute Universe will have their first big event.
Absolute Wonder Woman is going to be vital as Scott Snyder hints how Diana is going to start putting the pieces of the ...
Perhaps it's that chaos that will lead to the mash-up between the heroes becoming literal, as Sonic is mashed-up with Flash, ...
Batman has had many redesigns over the years, and while some of them have changed the game for future Batman designs, others ...
Sturgeon’s Law tells us that, in any given medium, 90% of what you come across is crap. And when you read a half-dozen stories per month which all take place in the same fictional city and ...
DC's Absolute Universe skews darker than the mainstream DCU. We're seeing that across all of the comics that have been ...
DC's new Absolute Universe has been a smash hit with fans, and though it's still in the early stages, there have been some ...
With DC Comics’ hit Absolute line about to expand, a few words from one iconic creator hint how the brand-new universe is ...
There’s no doubt that Absolute Batman has been a success, but a shocking revelation from the series’ writer reveals how ...
DC has announced its plans for the publisher's annual Pride celebrations for 2025, including the fifth edition of the Eisner ...