However, just as he finishes speaking, John appears, halting Kanjar’s escape as he declares, “You’re under arrest by the authority of the Green Lantern Corps.” In the background ...
In Green Lantern Corps #2, John Stewart and his team return to a devastated Thanagar with Hawkwoman, while Sinestro makes an ...
Hal Jordan has flown many ships in his day thanks to his background as a pilot, but his latest ship stands out from the rest as a callback to Green Lantern: The Animated Series. In Green Lantern ...
As the director of “Green Lantern,” Martin Campbell was far ... You have to have a background where you are part of that world and you’ve been involved in that thing. And I wasn’t.” ...
In the book’s second story we see a beaten up Alfred Pennyworth (who is a Green Lantern now) and he is saved by Josh Jacam. Alfred has the Lantern ring but isn’t able to really tap into its ...