At a time when there are few under Rs 10,000 phones from big brands, Redmi is bringing the Redmi 14C to India. At a starting ...
For those who love taking photos, the Redmi 14C 5G comes with a 50MP AI dual-camera system, which captures clear and vibrant ...
Xiaomi has announced Redmi 14C 5G, the company’s latest 5G smartphone in India, as it had promised. It packs a 6.88-inch HD+ ...
Xiaomi India unveiled the Redmi 14C 5G, boasting a Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 processor and a 50MP AI dual-camera system. The device ...
As promised, Xiaomis sub-brand, Redmi has launched the Redmi 14C 5G in India, which comes as a successor to the Redmi 13C 5G.