A sprawling web of violence across America has been linked to a fringe group of radical Berkeley pseudo-intellectuals known as the Zizians.
Housemarque's next game is aiming to evolve the roguelike action of its previous project, Returnal.
Residents and landlords in Lisbon spoke to the council about a proposed ordinance that would allow for a housing inspector to come inside rental properties to make sure it’s up to standards.
During an investigation into methamphetamines at an apartment in Milam County, game wardens seized dozens of venomous snakes.
In the world of commercial leasing, the relationship between landlords and tenants and, by extension, subtenants, is at the heart of the ...
The president said his pop-star nemesis was “BOOED out of the Stadium” … but he’s the one who left the game early?
Watch the 'Stitch Runs Loose At The Big Game' Teaser Trailer for Lilo & Stitch, the upcoming live-action reimagining of ...
---MP3s and NPCs on MSN8d
Luck be a Landlord is now on consoles
After winning over fans on PC and mobile phones, Luck be a Landlord has now made the jump to consoles. The rougelike ...
City-owned land will be used to build market rental housing in Vancouver. The first build - a pair of towers at Hornby and Pacific streets - will add an estimated 1,136 new homes.
Defy the odds and take on the landlord in a game of chance and strategy as Luck be a Landlord spins out onto Xbox, ...
As an accountant, one of your primary roles is ensuring your landlord clients are maximising their tax relief by claiming all ...
Out now on console, Luck Be a Landlord is a slot machine-based roguelike all about earning enough money to pay your rent.