Newspaper editor Horace Greeley unsuccessfully ran against incumbent Ulysses S. Grant in November 1872. Twenty-four days ...
Log-in to bookmark & organize content - it's free! An introduction to the 1860 election is featured. Author and history professor Rachel Shelden talked about the issue of slavery at the time, the ...
An introduction to the 1860 election is featured. Author and history professor Rachel Shelden talked about the issue of slavery at the time, the secession of several states, and the Civil War. An ...
Historian Allan Lichtman has correctly predicted the winner in nearly every one of the past 10 U.S. presidential elections.
Presidential elections "can shift the nation's policies regarding foreign relations and domestic economic development," and ...
America is a country full of contention – and, as Sunday’s apparent attempt on Donald Trump’s life shows, also full of guns ...
(The Conversation is an independent and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.) ...
Lincoln won New York by a margin of 7.42 percentage points. New York in the election was one of the four states that had a fusion ticket for the Democratic Party. The other three states were New ...
When the US Constitution was written in 1787, the Electoral College was created to pick the US president using a majority ...
With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right….” Those words are ...
Professor Allan Lichtman has correctly predicted every race since '84 except one - which he maintains, he also predicted ...