The feeding tube might go from the nose to the stomach (NG tube) or to the beginning of the small intestine (nasoduodenal or ND tube). In children with Robin sequence that is not part of a syndrome ...
All six studies had an arm that received FMT from a healthy donor for the treatment of rCDI, delivered via different methods (colonoscopy, nasoduodenal tube, and enema). The comparator arms in five of ...
Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2008;65(24):2347-2357. Administer medications via the oral route when possible. Determine the enteral feeding tube size (e.g., small bore or large bore), insertion site (e ...
METHODS: In a randomised double blind prospective trial 30 patients received Nutri-drink and 30 patients received placebo through a nasoduodenal feeding tube. On the day of operation the patients were ...
In 17 patients, a nasoduodenal tube was inserted under endoscopic guidance, and enteral nutrition was initiated to bypass the stomach. Among this group, 3 patients experienced the backflow of ...
Methods—Gall bladder motility was assessed by ultrasound. Duodenal bile collected by nasoduodenal tube after stimulation of gall bladder by intravenous ceruletid infusion was analysed for cholesterol, ...
Patients with gastroparesis often have signs and symptoms including nausea, vomiting, epigastric discomfort, and early satiety, thus leading to inadequate food intake and a high risk of malnutrition.
Additional portions could be administered through a nasoduodenal tube when the child (partially) refused bottle feeding. Nonetheless, incidents of aspiration occurred, and the child developed ...
aChief of General Surgery at the Harry S Truman VA Hospital, University of Missouri Health Care Postoperative disturbances of gastrointestinal function (postoperative ileus) are among the most ...