Logitech bought Blue Microphones, the manufacturer of the legendary Blue Yeti microphones. They continued to be produced in this form until m ...
Is there anyone in the world who loves their job more than Indianapolis Motor Speedway President J. Douglas Boles? (It's a ...
The DB-1301 GC column is a (6%-Cyanopropyl-phenyl)-methylpolysiloxane column. The DB-1301 is the equivalent to USP Phase G43. The DB-1301 is a low- to mid- polarity column. Agilent makes more ...
The DB-17 GC Column is a (50%-Phenyl)- methylpolysiloxane column of mid polarity. The DB-17 GC Column is excellent for confirmation analysis. The DB-17 GC Column is equivalent to USP Phase G3.
Donovan Starr had previously scheduled an official visit to Illinois for June. The four-star cornerback prospect didn't make it for that planned trip — but it turns out that he just asked for a ...
CO2 needs to be managed but not deleted entirely. To imply that fossil fuels are evil or obsolete is erroneous. We should also focus on “Availability”. Availability is electrical power 24/7 ...
I read Jim Dey’s recent column where he asks if the law limiting single-use plastics in hotels is a “solution in search of a problem.” I say this is a tiny but useful start to solving a huge ...
For her part, Harris seems to be open to the unfettered right to abort fetuses, so long as it’s OK with the mother and her doctor. Her promotion of this moral evil, as identified by Pope Francis ...
I’ve met U.S. Sen. Jon Tester on several occasions since the time he was serving in the state Legislature. His record of service to Montana has been beyond exceptional. His legislative ...
Great civilizations from the beginning of history have progressed through the following sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith. From spiritual faith, to great courage, from great courage to ...
Shortly after moving to Montana nearly 60 years ago, I was told in no uncertain terms, "If you want to become a Montanan, start acting like one." Buy local, keep your money in the state, recognize ...
Georgia. Another school killing, two innocent kids starting school, and two teachers there to teach students. Far too many heartbreaks, and lost innocent lives. It is a horrible stain on America ...