Nick Fury vs Fin Fang Foom #1 hits stores Wednesday as Marvel's top spy faces his biggest challenge yet. Can Fury and the ...
The deleted Iron Man post-credits scene has managed to manifest almost two decades later, and it's proof of just how far the ...
Looking to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Here's your ultimate guide to watching the movies in order, by release date ...
Steve Rogers' actions repeatedly demonstrated that he will always value moral decisions above blind obedience to directives. Through ten vital instances, Captain America showed his defiance of ...
Hellhunters #4 contains a new power that is positively begging to be adapted for the MCU, as the WWII Marvel heroes get a ...
Spider-Man movies have their fair share of plot holes, and they’re the kinds of things that begin to nag at you days after ...
and Hulk), they all met up on the big screen for the first time in "The Avengers." Under the watchful eye of Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury, viewers saw Earth's mightiest heroes team up for the ...
I’m loyal to nothing, General — except the dream.” That statement may have come in 1986’s Daredevil #233, but it captures the ...
Starting with Avengers Disassembled in 2004 and ending with Siege in 2010, Marvel Comics delivered storylines we’ve seen ...
In recent years, Marvel has been proving that its characters, from Spider-Man to The Avengers, have what it takes to leap from comic pages to consoles and PC. With all this success, then ...
Per a recent rumor, Nicholas Cage could reprise his role as Ghost Rider in the MCU after the release of Avengers: Doomsday. Read on for more.
Robert Downey Jr. first played Tony Stark in 2008's Iron Man. He later reprised the role in two sequels, four Avengers movies, Captain America: Civil War, and even Spider-Man: Homecoming.