Nick Fury vs Fin Fang Foom #1 hits stores Wednesday as Marvel's top spy faces his biggest challenge yet. Can Fury and the ...
Marvel Comics/Sony Pictures (Left) Ultimate Nick Fury by Bryan Hitch (Right) Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in the MCU. Marvel Comics/Marvel Studios (Left) Cover art for Ultimates #8 featuring ...
They are: Without getting too in-depth, basically, the Avengers are brought together by Nick Fury to help save the world. As you would expect since this is a superhero story, there is someone ...
The modern-day Avengers in Marvel's new Ultimate Universe ... the team was originally brought together by Ultimate Nick Fury to protect America from supervillainous terrorism.
I wondered back then about Nick Fury’s decision to carry an old pager with him at all times. I asked myself why Fury never paged Captain Marvel about other huge threats that the Avengers had to ...
The Ultimates, a version of The Avengers, soon followed in 2002, and Ultimate Fantastic Four two ... and found mentorship from not only Nick Fury, but also Tony Stark. Both of these were key ...