Writer Jonathan Hickman and artists Iban Coello and Federico Vicentini will reshape the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe this summer ...
Discover Jonathan Hickman's new cosmic epic, Imperial, set to redefine the Marvel Universe's galactic order. Renowned artists ...
Jonathan Hickman teams up Federico Vicentini and Iban Coello to shatter and redesign the Marvel cosmos in Imperial, a ...
Having fundamentally transformed the X-Men franchise and debuted a brand new incarnation of the Ultimate Universe, writer ...
In a CBR review of Ultimate Spider-Man #14, we marvel at how Jonathan Hickman and Marco Checchetto still manage to keep shocking us issue to issue ...
Marvel's new Ultimate Universe has been blowing fans' minds since its start, and a few key moments have stuck out as ...
Jonathan Hickman is about to revitalize the cosmic corner of the Marvel Universe. The prolific writer behind the widely ...
Full Solicit for Ultimate Spider-Man: Incursion #1 with Miles Morales, Billie Morales and the new Ultimate version of Peter ...