The role that Chinese immigrants played in building the Transcontinental Railroad has long been buried. 150 years after the completion of the tracks, that’s finally changing. In the celebratory ...
In 1885, white rioters murdered dozens of their Asian neighbors in Rock Springs, Wyoming. A hundred and forty years later, ...
Chinese immigrants flocked to the American West in the 1800s to help build railroads and amid a mining boom. Many of their experiences have largely ...
Workers of the Central Pacific Railroad: Chinese peasants from the ... As their presence increased, the Chinese immigrants faced growing prejudice and an increasingly restrictive laws limiting ...
By the end of the 1850s, Chinese immigrants made up one-fifth of the ... domestic service and later railroad building. Yee Ah Tye became a partner in a store called Hop Sing in La Porte.
The Chinese railroad workers’ story also has a page ... The law banned entry for 10 years to virtually all Chinese immigrants and limited the ability of those who traveled to their home country ...
The current furor over mass deportation of the undocumented in this country has historical precedence in Fort Worth. Common ...
Meaningful immigration from China occurred during the California ... It is estimated that some 25,000 Chinese arrived in California from 1849 to 1851. Chinese laborers also found work in the railroad, ...
One of the earliest non-Indigenous groups to settle in Oregon, Chinese immigrants played a vital role in industries such as mining, railroad construction and canning. Despite their significant ...
Hall, CA Supreme Court rules that a white man charged with a murder cannot be convicted on the testimony of a Chinese witness 1865 Central Pacific Railroad hires Chinese ... Exclusion Act bans all ...